Tuesday, March 12, 2013

2 months!? Really!?

No matter if you have one kid or 4 kids its always the same story - Where does the time go!? Miles had his 2 month check up yesterday and he is doing great, but I still can't believe how quick the time moves. He will be 10 weeks in 2 days! Seriously, where does the time go??? Its not like I've been sleeping, I've been awake for nearly all of it ;)

Anyway, since his one month check up he's grown 2 inches and gained 2 lbs 3 oz, putting him at 24 inches long and 11 lbs 14 oz. I was actually surprised he didn't weigh more because he's a great eater and really solid kid. He just feels heavy even though I can see that he's not too chubby. He is the first baby of mine to break the 50th percentile for weight (he's around the 60th percentile) and he's right with Rylan and Brenden in length around the 90th percentile. The most important thing is he's growing and happy :)

As for the rest of the family we've been quite busy as well and its only going to get busier as the weather warms up. Here's a little run down for you:

-We signed Rylan up for Preschool and she will do 3 afternoons a week starting in the fall

-Jake, Brenden, and Rylan had a successful trip to the dentist with no cavities for anyone and it looks like Brenden will be losing some teeth soon as you could see his lower teeth coming up on his x-rays.

-I've been teaching swim lessons 4 days a week so Rylan and Miles have been going to the daycare at the HealthPlex for about 2 hours a day. Its been a nice break for me and the little ones seem to enjoy it.

-Rylan has given up her pacifier. The dentist had a nice talk with her about it and she promptly came home and threw them in the garbage and hasn't had a problem, fingers crossed that holds!

-We have had my dad and brother visit. Chris's dad will be here this week and my mom will be here this weekend while Chris and I are both gone for work

-Miles and I will be going to Bloomington, IN this weekend for a dive meet - I'm hoping for lots of help from parents of my current and former team to help make this work!

-Chris and I will be traveling to San Diego in May for work for Chris and Jamaica in June for a family wedding. And the trip to Jamaica will be completely kid free! YAY!

-I'm on a mission to get back in shape and lose this baby weight - I've done a couple of blog posts about it, so far its going pretty good.

-The boys start soccer next month

-Miles is smiling. He thinks his brothers and the ceiling fan are the funniest things to smile and laugh at :)

-Rylan has mastered the terrible two's and scaring me for what she'll  be like when she's a hormonal teenager....I kid....no I don't, she's a crazy girl and all over the place with her moods, fun times for sure!

-Jake and Brenden have been FABULOUS big brothers. They are especially big helpers when Chris is out of town helping with Miles and Rylan so I can get things done around the house.

-Miles' sleeping habits had been all over the place until about a week ago. He's now going 6-7 hours at the beginning of the night and then goes back down for 3-4 hours. So its down around 7:30p, up between 2-2:30a, and back up around 6a, not too bad for 2 months old. The hardest is the inconsistency at 6am, sometimes its earlier and you never know if he's going to go back to sleep. He always seems like he's going to, but may be up 20 minutes later.

So that's all I can think of at this point. I'm sure I've missed some things we've done and things we're going to be doing, but that's what happens when you're averaging 5-6 hours TOTAL of broken sleep :)

A few pics of Miles at 2 months old

And of course Ry needed a picture too!

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