Monday, August 19, 2013

Rylan is 3!

Or as Rylan says "I'm not 2 any more." Over the past year she has told me that she is 6 and 7. And when she asked me how old she was one day, my answer of 2 was met with "Still?!" So she has been looking forward to not being 2 anymore for about the entire year :)

Rylan's birthday fell on our final day of vacation that consisted mainly of being stuck in the car driving for nearly 8 hours. Since we knew this would be the case, we decided to celebrate a day early with cake and presents on Lake Michigan. It was just our family and my mom, but I think she had a blast. Her birthday celebration consisted of purple cupcakes, our traditional cake, playing on the beach, a family dinner, and presents that included Sofia the 1st toys, a purple jump rope, and a calculator - just exactly what she wanted!

Rylan continues to be my most challenging kid, but one thing I know from my daily struggles with her is that I will never have to worry about her. She is a strong willed and determined child that will not let anyone push her around. She will fight tooth and nail to get just what she wants, when she wants it. But no matter how frustrated she can make me, she can make me laugh and smile even more :) She is as goofy as she is stubborn which makes life quite interesting. It has been an exciting 3 years since she joined our family and over the next year I look forward to watching her start preschool and learn how to be a big sister as Miles gets bigger and starts to challenge her as she challenged Jake and Brenden!

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