Saturday, August 31, 2013

An apology

This an apology on behalf of all moms. I know I shouldn't speak for all of us, but I also know that we are all thinking/feeling the same thing. I've heard it a million times and felt it far more.

I apologize for snapping at you. I apologize for not having enough time for you. I apologize for being tired. I apologize for not noticing. I apologize for not getting it done. I apologize for not helping you. I apologize for not knowing the answer. I apologize for forgetting. I apologize for not anticipating it. I apologize for not being there.

I apologize for not being able to do it all.

I know that my friends/kids/husband/co-workers/family/everyone knows this, but I apologize just the same. I can't do it all. And when I am up all hours of the night with a sick baby and I snap at you the next day, I hope you hear I'm sorry and not what is actually coming out of my mouth. And when I zone out when you're trying to tell me how your day was, I hope you hear I'm sorry instead of can you tell me again. And when I say I'm too tired to play, I hope you hear I'm sorry. And when I just can't anymore, I hope you hear I'm sorry.

Because every time, I truly am.

Being a mom/wife/friend/daughter/coach/employee can be the most rewarding and most exhausting job. I love all of you and I want time for all of you, but sometimes I don't know how to do it. I want to do it and I'm trying to figure out how to do it, but I'm still learning and I'm far from perfect so it usually doesn't work.

So I say I'm sorry and I love you. I hope that can be good enough because that is all I have to offer until I do figure out how to do it all.

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