Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Braces for the J Man and Scar update for the B Man

Today was the day, Jake got Braces! And I officially feel old ;) And doesn't he look so old now????? Where did my baby go?

Anyway, we had an appointment bright and early at 8am and Jake was all set with 4 brackets on his top front teeth 45 minutes later. He did great and has been very good all day about watching what he eats and making sure he keeps his teeth and brackets clean.

 Before and After:

Close up of the Cross Bite that we're trying to fix

So he'll wear these for 4-9 months and then he'll get a retainer for a few years to try to keep the teeth together. This won't guarantee that once he has all of his permanent teeth he won't need braces again, but hopefully it will decrease the chances or at least keep him from needing them on the top again. And most importantly, it will fix the cross bite so that the permanent tooth doesn't suffer any permanent damage.

We also have an update on Brenden. A couple of weeks ago was his appointment with a plastic surgeon about the scar on his cheek from this summer. The doctor was very pleased with how the scar was doing, especially after the abscess that had formed after the stitches were out. She recommended that we apply Aquaphor (or a generic version) and massage it every day twice a day and come back in a year. We were THRILLED to hear this. By applying the Aquaphor AND massaging it daily it should help to break up the scar tissue and decrease the appearance of the scar. If it continues to progress well then we won't have to do anything in the future, which is obviously what we're hoping for. Brenden was very good for the appointment and has been on top of having us put the Aquaphor on twice a day.

The appointment was at Shriners Hospital for Children so lots of fun while waiting to see the Dr!

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