Wednesday, December 12, 2012

35/36 Week appointment......Some Progress, perhaps?

I had my regular check up today at 35w, 3d pregnant. And it went about as I expected. My blood pressure was on the high side (but still in range), Miles heartbeat was around 130 bpm, fondal height was normal (She didn't say exactly what it was), and I gained 2 lbs (not bad). So everything is as it should be with no concerns from the Doctor - although I have some concerns about this particular doctor and her bedside manner.......Hopefully this will be the last time I have to deal with her........fingers crossed she's NOT on call when I deliver..


They normally start doing an internal check at 36 weeks, but I asked for them to do one anyway just for a little more information. With Jake, Brenden, and Rylan I was dilating and effacing by 36 weeks, so with the Holidays so close I wanted to know if things were starting yet. Andddddddddddd..................THEY ARE! YAY! I'm 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Now I know this means squat in the real world, but in my little bubble it makes me feel better. And here's why:

Jake - 1cm and 100% effaced at 37 & 38 weeks and my water broke and I delivered at 38w, 4d

Brenden - 2cm at 36-37 weeks, 3cm and 50% effaced at 37-38 weeks, and I went into labor and delivered at 38w

Rylan - 2cm and "pretty effaced" at 36w, 3d and my water broke and I delivered at 37w, 2d

So as you can see they have all come earlier and earlier. I also made "progress" with each of them in the last couple of weeks before my due date. I know there are lots of women that can walk around for weeks "stuck" at a certain dilation and/or effacement - and I feel terrible for each one of them. But from my past experience I don't think that will happen this time, at least I REALLY hope not. I hope that things continue this time as well!

I am also curious to see what will come first - labor or my water breaking? With Brenden I didn't efface as early and he was the only one I went into labor with first. My guess would be that my water will break first again since I am almost 100% effaced already, but who knows because really effacement and water breaking don't have any links. Also, its something like only 15% of women have their water break before they go into labor. So even though it has happened 2 out of 3 times (67%) for me, its still more likely I'll go into labor first.

Regardless of how I end up in labor, all I really know is it feels good to hear that my body is getting ready because lord knows I'm more than ready :)

And don't forget to make a guess! No one has guessed before Christmas and based on my past I could be getting an early Christmas present this year!

Belly Pics!
35w, 3d

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