Saturday, January 9, 2016


I know I've written about the amount of stress the past few months have created. While I wouldn't change the decision I made in October, it doesn't mean it's easy. And I'm not complaining, I'm simply stating the facts. It's hard. It's exhausting. It's stressful. But, it's worth it. It has been worth it since day 1.

Any way, so now do a lot of driving. A lot. The last week of winter break, for example, I drove 4 hours each day to coach for 2 1/2 - 4 1/2 hours. It was worth it though. The smile on Rylan's face when I said I would be home every night for bed was worth it. To sleep in my bed for 10 nights in a row was worth it. To see my family everyday. Worth it.

And while I'm driving, I listen to a lot of music. Sometimes the radio, but mainly playlists I have made. I have always loved rocking out in my car. And I have especially loved rocking out to songs that "speak" to me. The song might hold significance for whatever is going on in my life at that moment or it might speak to my life as a whole. Well, one song has said it all lately. It has made the 2 hour drive home on Thursday night after a long week so much faster. The words say it all:

Home, let me come home,
Home is wherever I'm with you
Our home, yes, I am home,
Home is when I’m alone with you

If your'e not familiar with the song, you should be. It's Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros Home. Here's a link to listen It's a great song no matter what genre is your favorite. Anyway, it has said everything I know to be true. While there is a lot about Cincinnati as my home that I have already said goodbye to, it will continue to be home as long as Chris and the kids are living there. I love my job, but I miss my family. Home is wherever Chris is, wherever the kids are. And every Thursday I sing at the top of my lungs these words. Home, let me come home, home is wherever I'm with you.

The house goes back on the market on Monday, please send positive vibes we can sell it soon so home doesn't have to be so far away!

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