Sunday, January 17, 2016

Balancing Act

My Mantra. For Everything.

But, especially now.

I've been trying to balance so much. Family and work. Physical and Mental. Worth it or Not. In the end, EVERY decision I have made has been worth it. Has is been easy? Not even close, it has been HARD.

Some might argue that because it has been hard has it really been worth it? I can definitively say, from my experience, that I knew it was worth it BECAUSE it was hard. I mean how do you really know if you don't have to fight for it. Not once in the past few months have I questioned the decisions I have made, and they have been hard ones.

In this current journey, the major thing that I have heard that constantly lifts me up is this:

What an amazing thing you are showing your kids, showing them sacrifice to follow your dream. Showing them that having a dream and following it IS important.

When Chris and I made these choices this never even occurred to me. But, WOW, how true and what an impact BOTH Chris and I are having on our kids. I'm chasing a dream. Chris is supporting my dream. What an example for our kids.

And I'm not trying to say we are better than any other parent. We all make choices that have positive impacts on our kids. I just never thought of choosing my dream in this way. I thought I was being selfish. I worried if my husband and kids would resent me for being selfish. And I still  worry that I'm being selfish, but how comforting to know that several of my friends and acquaintances have said how inspiring my decision has been for them and/or my kids. Yay for perspective.

So I will continue to say these words over and over because while I think we have made the best of our situation over the last few months it has not been easy. But damned if it hasn't been worth it. I am one lucky woman for family and friends that support and uplift me, especially at my weakest of times.

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