What. A. Year. Or more accurately, what a 3 months? Not quite the same ring, but this year has definitely been defined by these past few months. The first 9 months of the year were pretty ho-hum. Nothing too noteworthy, some good, some not as good, overall just status quo. And then our lives were turned upside down in September when it became clear things were about to change.
For those of you late to the party, I accepted a job at Ohio State University (no, I will not write THE) with the Ohio State Diving Club. It was a dream job by all accounts, but with most dreams there is a price. For the past 2 1/2 months I have been going back and forth between Cincinnati and Columbus. I would be lying if I said it has been easy. And it would not be an exaggeration to say there have been times where I have totally broken down physically and mentally. But, no matter how hard it has been, I have never strayed from our mantra - It's worth it.
As I look back on 2015, and I imagine when I look back on it many years from now, there is one thing that sticks out more than anything else. Through this journey it has become abundantly clear to me, like never before, I have an amazing group of people in my life. As hard as the past few months have been, it has been very uplifting to know that I have a husband and kids that support my dream, parents (mine and Chris's) that continue to do whatever they can to be sure I succeed, caregivers that love my kids, and friends that are there at the drop of a hat if I need a shoulder to lean on. How lucky am I?
Before I can say goodbye to 2015 I would like to take a moment to thank a few people that have made my life a little less crazy:
Chris - Thank you for always being you and letting me be me, even in my crazy times. Your constant belief in me will always amaze me.
Jake - My oldest, and the one I'm probably hardest on. From day one we knew you were an old soul and your wisdom really showed when you told me you could never be mad at me for following my dream. I will never forget that moment, it gives me strength, Thank you.
Mom - You were willing to move to Cincinnati and/or Columbus in the winter....I'm not sure thank you is enough :) Thank you for loving me and showing me how to be a strong woman so I could follow my dreams.
Ginger and Pete - I'm pretty sure Ginger would have killed me if I had turned this opportunity down ;) And she has been ready, willing, and able to help at any turn since I accepted. Thank you for coming to help when we needed it and constantly supporting me, Chris, and the kids.
Kristin, Paul, Cam, Elli, and Joey Thatcher - THANK YOU! I'm not sure what I would have done without your generosity. Being able to have a "home" 5 days a week when I am in Columbus has helped me more than you will ever know.
Bro - My cheerleader. I know no matter how tough it is, you will be there to cheer me on. I'm so proud of you and am lucky beyond words to have such an awesome brother.
Alex - Our wonderful nanny. She has loved our children like they are family and cared for them as if it were Chris or me. From picking the kids up from school, staying late at night, getting homework and chores done, and making treats/crafts with the kids, she has done it all. She has made it easier to see that I can follow my dream and not be around as much and life will go on. She has also shown me that I cannot be replaced when she calls so the kids can talk to me during a tough time. Thank you for showing me and my kids this, what a gift it has been.
Buck Smith - I don't even know where to begin. Your guidance over the past 8 years has led me to where am I today. I know I wouldn't be here without you. Thank you doesn't even break the surface for the gratitude I have.
The rest of my family and friends - While I may not have mentioned you specifically, you have definitely been huge. Being able to call on you for help, be someone who will listen to my BS, make me laugh when all I want to do is cry, or there ready with a drink, whatever the case, I say Thank You. I hope that I have been able to or can in the future help you the way you have helped me. I love you all more than words and I hope that you know you are more than appreciated by me.
Thanks to everyone that has impacted my life this year. It has been a tremendous year and I'm looking forward to the next chapter in 2016! Happy New Year!
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