Remember in August when I was sad that Rylan was turning one and there would be no more babies? Well, the Universe this fall said SURPRISE! in a big, big way. That's right folks, Eby baby #4 will be arriving sometime this summer. The official due date is July 10th, but so far all of the kids have been early, Jake 10 days, Brenden 14 days, and Rylan 19 days, so this one could easily be a June baby. Of course Chris is already trying to madden me by telling me this is the one that is going to go past its due date, not sure if I'll be able to handle that. No matter, there will be a baby this summer!
So far everything has been going well. Hormone levels early on rose as they should and an ultrasound at 8 weeks revealed our newest peanut. This pregnancy has reminded me more of Jake and Brenden's than Rylan's. I have been super tired, TONS of cravings already - especially salty or spicy foods, only a little nausea which has already gone away for the most part, and the hair is already getting super thick. According to old wives tales it appears to be another boy, which is what I think. The Chinese gender predictor chart has predicted a girl - both boys were predicted to be girls and Rylan was predicted to be a boy - so to me that also suggests boy. We should be able to find out for sure sometime in February at the 18-20 week ultrasound.
This obviously came as a bit of shock to us, but we are thrilled none the less. The kids are all excited, well Rylan not so much since she doesn't quite understand yet :) We have told our families and are slowly leaking the news to friends. With this being my 4th the pooch is already in full swing so its going to be pretty hard to hide soon. Officially I am 11 weeks 3 days and I look closer to 4-5 months, how quickly the body remembers! I'll try my best to keep people updated throughout the pregnancy.
The Craziness that is The Eby Family is about to go up a notch!
Oh WOW! Huge congratulations Mandy!!!! SOOO happy for you guys! :)