After a rocky start to the day we had a very nice Christmas Eve. The rocky start began with taking the boys to have them pick out and buy each other Christmas presents. They knew that Mana (my mom) was going to be giving them a present today and they both began whining that they wanted the presents they were buying each other instead - since they pretty much had figured out what the other had picked. We had to have a long talk on the way home about the meaning of Christmas. That Christmas is not about presents, but about appreciating what you have and the spirit of giving to others. For the most part, I think it started to sink in as they were much better behaved the rest of the day.
We spent the day making sugar cookies and decorating them, watching football - Yay Lions!, playing basketball, having a nice dinner of sloppy joes, and opening one present before bed. In the usual tradition of our family our one gift was new pajamas. And this year my mom went all out with Monkey PJs for everyone, including the grown ups.
The kids are now in bed with strict instructions to remain in their room until the alarm goes off at 7:30am or someone comes to get them, whichever comes first. We still have some wrapping to do tonight and we need to stuff the stockings. The cookies and milk are out and ready. We're just about ready for it to be Christmas. We hope that all of our family and friends are having a wonderful holiday as well. Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!
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