Let's just say life has been a bit busy since I last wrote, as you may have guessed from the blog title :) It really has been a whirlwind of a month for all of us. There has been traveling, camp, friends, family, visitors, new adventures, growing, eating, soccer, madness, and plenty of fun. I'll try to take it all step by step and not get too long winded in the process....

The first weekend into to summer we ventured up to Cleveland for the first time with all 6 of us. It also happened to be my birthday weekend so Pete and Ginger were kind enough to keep the kids and Chris and I stayed at a hotel. Part of this was because Chris had gotten us Dave Matthews Band tickets for my birthday and we knew we'd be out late. The concert was great! It was the first show we had seen together in at least a couple of years and as usual Dave did not disappoint :) We spent the rest of the time in Cleveland just relaxing and catching up with the family. The kids had a lot of fun playing with their cousins, Dylan and Gavin. It was also nice for me to have a little test run of leaving all four kids since we would be leaving them all with my mom the following week and up to this point I hadn't left Miles for more than a couple of hours. And of course the kids did great, but I know Pete and Ginger were a little tired from the visit :) -
big thanks to both of them for their help! As nice as the trip was it did end on a bad note, I ended up at urgent care with a nasty case of Strep throat. Fortunately I was able to get in and out relatively quick and the antibiotics worked quickly. Lovely that I'm 35 and I still get strep throat, a predominantly kids sickness. Oh well, it sucked, but it didn't ruin what was otherwise a very nice trip.

So after Cleveland it was back to Cincinnati for 2 days and then Chris and I were off to Jamaica for Bridget and Matt's wedding and our first true vacation without kids in nearly FOUR years - YAY!! We had asked my mom long ago if she would watch the kids for us as part of my 35th birthday present and she was more than happy to help. She arrived a full day before we left to make sure she was all settled before the madness would begin. Chris and I left on Thursday and would return Tuesday night so it would be 5 full days with all four kids. She would get a little help since my brother came down for Saturday and Sunday. They all did great and had lots of fun.There was one instance of getting locked out, but otherwise the visit was without incident. There was a trip to the zoo, shopping, playing in the hot tub, and lots of silliness :) Chris and I called home via facetime a couple of times and it was always smiles and excitement from the kids. I know the kids and my mom had lots of fun.
A HUGE thanks to my mom and brother for all their help!

Chris and I had a blast in Jamaica! 5 days of fun, family, rest, and sun, what more could we possibly have asked for? As I mentioned before, we were going for Bridget and Matt's wedding. Bridget is Chris's cousin and we both adore her so weren't going to miss this one. And the fact that it was in Jamaica meant we could actually get a vacation sans the kids too, truly a win-win :) We stayed at an all inclusive resort so the trip was truly carefree. We spent our days floating on rafts in the Caribbean and our nights eating, drinking, and laughing. There were about 30 of us there for the wedding and we all got along fabulously. Just about everyone left Monday, but Chris and I had decided to make the most of our time away and stayed until Tuesday. When it was finally time to go home we were both ready. It was the first time that I had been away from the kids for that long with nothing to do and it really hit me just how much I missed my babies. Usually when I'm gone its at a dive meet where I work 12-15 hour days and don't have time to miss my kids so this was a new experience for me. Anyway, we both missed the kids and were happy when we when finally (it was a looooong day of travel) made it home.

After Jamaica it was back to reality quickly. We got back Tuesday night (late) and I was off to West Lafayette Thursday at lunch time for Regionals until Sunday evening. Lucky for Chris and I my mom was staying until Saturday morning. This allowed me to get a bunch of stuff done before leaving and Chris the chance to get caught up with work. Another HUGE thanks for this help, mom!
And as soon as I got back from Regionals Chris was off traveling for work for 3 days. We finally got to spend the weekend of the 22nd-23rd all home and together. This would also end up being the ONLY weekend in the whole month that we were all home. Crazy. The next week Chris was busy with work again, the boys had soccer camp in the morning, and I was busy with swim lessons and diving practice with Rylan and Miles in tow. And Friday I sent the boys off with Chris's dad for 12 days in Cleveland - there will be more on that in another blog post.
And so here we are, June 30th. We made it, we may be a bit more crazed now, but we made it! :) July looks to be a little better, but August will for sure be madness. But really, as the blog title suggests, its always a little crazy in the Eby family :)
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