Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from the Eby Family!

Over the past several years, really since we started having kids, we've had to do several (sometimes as many as 5) Christmas celebrations in order to cover all of the family. This year, with the uncertainty of  Miles and being too uncomfortable to travel, we only had to do two - one with my dad and one with just us. Don't get me wrong, its really nice to be able to have so much family that we need extra days, but I have to admit it was pretty nice this year actually being done on Christmas, especially since Miles will arrive any day now and the boys will have their birthdays in the next month. And we did have my brother visit a couple of weeks ago, Pete and Ginger will visit on their way down south for the winter, and my mom will be here in January to help with Miles and be here for the boys' birthdays.

Christmas with my Dad:
My dad came down on the 22nd to do Christmas with us. It was a nice day, nothing too exciting to report. He dropped off presents around 12:30p before checking into the hotel and then came back to the house around 3p so we could do presents once Rylan woke up from her nap. After presents we ordered pizza from Mio's (our favorite Cincinnati Pizza spot) and the kids played with their new loot until bedtime. The next morning my dad would be off again, but stopped by for about an hour for some more play time with the kids and to say good bye. It was a short visit, but I know the kids enjoyed it, especially the presents :)

Pictures from Christmas with Papa (my dad):
The boys
Rylan helping dad video tape and the boys being, well, the boys :)
 The kids "biggie" - a new Basketball hoop! They were VERY excited
 Little People Princess Castle for Ry and LEGOS for the boys - Life is good!

Christmas Eve and Christmas at Home:
We had a great Christmas Eve and Christmas home. Christmas Eve we spent the day at home just relaxing. We made chocolate chip and M&M chocolate chip cookies for Santa. The kids each got one present to open (traditional present of Christmas PJs). And after dinner and presents, we all sat cuddled up on the sofa with cookies and watched Stars Wars Episode 2 - the boys are really getting into the movies now. The day/night was very nice, but we did have one little snafu - Rylan found her "big" present hiding under the stairs in the basement. And she was HYSTERICAL she couldn't have it right then. SO bedtime was a bit of a challenge. The boys were overly excited and Rylan was having fits, after a bit we were able to finally get everyone settled down and in bed so Santa could come.

Christmas morning we were all up and ready for stockings by 7:30am - well, the boys were up MUCH earlier, but played nicely in their room until the rest of us were up and ready. We did our stockings first and they were a hit as usual. After stockings we took a break to make a good breakfast - Eggs, bacon, cinnamon rolls, and orange juice, YUM. Everyone enjoyed the food and we were ready to tackle the tree!

I think we got through every present under the tree in about 30 minutes. Ok, it took longer than that, but not by much! Chris played Santa and handed out the gifts and I played the officer in charge of making sure the kids were paying attention to others opening presents and making sure they knew who each present was from. The boys would just assume rip everything open as fast as possible than actually read who the present is from, I imagine this is common for most parents :) Anyway, the kids were all very pleased with their gifts and overall very well behaved. The big hits were LEGO Star Wars for Brenden, LEGO Harry Potter for Jake, and a new Baby with stroller, cradle, and carseat for Rylan. 

We spent most of the day playing with our new toys and just relaxing. Chris put a lot of the LEGO stuff for Brenden together, Jake put his own stuff together, I played with my new iPad, and Rylan never let her baby out of sight :) We also had calls from family throughout the day and we were able to Skype briefly with my mom and brother. We all got ourselves cleaned up by 5pm for Christmas dinner, Prime Rib with potatoes and carrots - YUMMMMMMMM. And after dinner it was back to playing for a bit until dessert was ready. 

It was a very nice and quiet Christmas. I had been hoping Miles would make an appearance for one last gift, but it looks like he might be waiting for the new year....

Pictures from Christmas Eve and Christmas:
Christmas Eve
New PJs for the kids

 Milk and Cookies for Santa and a carrot for the Reindeer
 Stockings - There was one for Miles even
 The calm before the storm....

 Christmas Morning!

Rylan and her new baby - My Grandfather (Pops) made the cradle for my dolls when I was little :)
 The boys looking ready to get down to business and Jake in his new Browns Jersey
 The stacks of boxes? LEGOS, what else? :) And Rylan trying on her new Michigan Cheerleader outfit
 Daddy and Rylan (in her new dress)

I hope everyone had a wonderful day! We were sad to not be able to share the day, but we are VERY much looking forward to the arrival of Miles and the visitors it will bring! MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

37 weeks and 3 days....Overcome with emotions

I had my 37w, 3d appointment this morning and I'm officially stuck at 1cm dilated and 80% effaced. And I feel awful.....physically, emotionally, mentally, you name it. Again the appointment went fine - good bp, good fetal heartbeat, fondal height normal, and I even managed to lose 1lb. And none of it makes me feel any better.

Now I don't expect anyone to feel bad for me or understand why I'm feeling so crappy when I still have 18 days until my due date. This is supposed to be the norm for women at this point, I mean I haven't even reached 38 weeks yet.......But for me it's been over 64 weeks....

I've honestly been debating all day whether or not to post anything, but I figured I've shared this much, what's the point of holding back now. Basically it boils down to this, my journey with #4 started over 64 weeks ago. And in that time there has only been one month that I haven't been pregnant or dealing with a miscarriage or complications from a miscarriage. For those of you trying to figure it out, it comes to 15 months. And that's a long time.

I know haven't been actually pregnant that entire time, but it feels like it. And what's getting to me now is that next week will be when I started noticing problems last year. I was supposed to be entering the 2nd trimester and instead I was having spotting, being told everything was fine (they thought they had found the heartbeat), and finally on January 9th, after a week of worry, I saw my baby lying lifeless on the ultrasound screen at 14 weeks and only measuring 9 weeks. So all I want right now is to have Miles come out before January hits, especially January 9th. I feel like I've gone to hell and back since January 2nd of last year. This is supposed to be a happy and exciting time and instead I find myself scared, full of worry, and incredibly sad. And I really don't know what to do at this point to make it better. And the physical discomfort of aches, pains, and not being able to sleep is just compounding the issue.

So Miles, could please find a way to join us soon and comfort your mom because it's getting harder and harder to cope as January approaches......

And if I haven't totally depressed you, here are the latest belly pics to put a smile on your face:

37w, 3d

Next appointment is January 2nd, one week from today. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

36/37 week appointment.....frustration sets in.....

I know I shouldn't be frustrated yet, but I am. I am 36w, 3d and had my check up today with no change from last week. Its not so much that I didn't have a change that's bugging me, but I have had A LOT of braxton hicks/false labor contractions, some quite painful, over the past two days so I thought for sure I would have dilated at least 1 more stinking cm! I could understand no change if I didn't feel changes in my body, but it feels like so much has happened. Stupid body messin' with my mind ;)

Anyway, the appointment did go fine. My blood pressure was normal, Miles 150 bpm, no weight gain (YAY), and (still) 1cm and 80% effaced. For 36w, 3d I really shouldn't complain, everything is going very well which should mean a healthy baby boy soon enough. Trying to keep it all in perspective and put aside my personal discomfort, a healthy baby boy is all that I really want. Early delivery will just be a bonus :)

As for everything else, we're just settling in for a quiet Christmas. I made cookies and fudge last weekend, and of course its almost gone. My brother also visited this past weekend, my dad will be here this weekend, and Chris's parents will come when Miles arrives or after Christmas should he miraculously arrive by then. I have all of my shopping done and by this afternoon I should have all of my wrapping done as well. I have 1 more day of swim lessons on Friday and 3 more dive practices this week, today, tomorrow, and Sunday. The boys' last day of school is Friday and then they will be off until January 2nd.

It would really be best if he didn't arrive until at least Monday after everything is taken care of and then he could be here for Christmas or the new year. I'll just keep reminding myself he'll be here when he's ready and that may not be for another few weeks and no matter how uncomfortable I get it will all be worth it. I go back to the doctor next Wednesday and hopefully I'll have, if only a little, some more progress to report. Until then, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

36w, 3d

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

35/36 Week appointment......Some Progress, perhaps?

I had my regular check up today at 35w, 3d pregnant. And it went about as I expected. My blood pressure was on the high side (but still in range), Miles heartbeat was around 130 bpm, fondal height was normal (She didn't say exactly what it was), and I gained 2 lbs (not bad). So everything is as it should be with no concerns from the Doctor - although I have some concerns about this particular doctor and her bedside manner.......Hopefully this will be the last time I have to deal with her........fingers crossed she's NOT on call when I deliver..


They normally start doing an internal check at 36 weeks, but I asked for them to do one anyway just for a little more information. With Jake, Brenden, and Rylan I was dilating and effacing by 36 weeks, so with the Holidays so close I wanted to know if things were starting yet. Andddddddddddd..................THEY ARE! YAY! I'm 1 cm dilated and 80% effaced. Now I know this means squat in the real world, but in my little bubble it makes me feel better. And here's why:

Jake - 1cm and 100% effaced at 37 & 38 weeks and my water broke and I delivered at 38w, 4d

Brenden - 2cm at 36-37 weeks, 3cm and 50% effaced at 37-38 weeks, and I went into labor and delivered at 38w

Rylan - 2cm and "pretty effaced" at 36w, 3d and my water broke and I delivered at 37w, 2d

So as you can see they have all come earlier and earlier. I also made "progress" with each of them in the last couple of weeks before my due date. I know there are lots of women that can walk around for weeks "stuck" at a certain dilation and/or effacement - and I feel terrible for each one of them. But from my past experience I don't think that will happen this time, at least I REALLY hope not. I hope that things continue this time as well!

I am also curious to see what will come first - labor or my water breaking? With Brenden I didn't efface as early and he was the only one I went into labor with first. My guess would be that my water will break first again since I am almost 100% effaced already, but who knows because really effacement and water breaking don't have any links. Also, its something like only 15% of women have their water break before they go into labor. So even though it has happened 2 out of 3 times (67%) for me, its still more likely I'll go into labor first.

Regardless of how I end up in labor, all I really know is it feels good to hear that my body is getting ready because lord knows I'm more than ready :)

And don't forget to make a guess! No one has guessed before Christmas and based on my past I could be getting an early Christmas present this year!

Belly Pics!
35w, 3d

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Voila! Our Beautiful Tree! ......and 35/35 pregnancy super quick update

I told you we'd get the tree decorated!

And it looks pretty good if I do say so myself :) We (mostly) had fun decorating it on Friday night after Chris got home. I pulled out the step stool this year to let the boys put some of the glass and other "good" ornaments up on the higher branches. We were able to get on everything we wanted which meant that the tree ended up being pretty front loaded with weight. And what does that mean exactly? It means that when you try to move an ornament or light the tree will start to fall forward to topple over.....Yup, that happened TWICE to me! Both times we were lucky and able to catch it before any real damage was done and we're pretty sure now that its properly propped up in the front to keep it from happening again. 

Once we got the tree all finished I was able to get some good pictures of the kids before they all had melt downs. And there are a few other shots of the other decorations we have around the house. It all looks and feels very festive!

And lastly, today marked 35 weeks along with 35 days (or hopefully less) to go until my due date! YAY! I thought about posting a picture, but I spent all day at a dive meet at Ohio State and I'm not looking too camera friendly at the moment. I do have a check up on Wednesday and I'll be sure to post a picture then of the ever growing belly along with my update from the doctor :) And don't forget, you can still make a guess over there on the right for when Miles will show his cute little face - if the trend holds, it could be in the next couple of weeks!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

It's Christmas time!

It's Christmas time and we FINALLY got our tree today! YAY! I had been waiting because Chris got a new office out of the house so I thought he was going to be moving his desk out of our living room and I would put the tree up there. However, I found out a couple of days ago he's saving that until the end to move so he still has a place to work at home for a bit until he's ready to be fully moved and out of the house. So with that new bit of information we decided to move a small bookcase and have the tree in our family room. And doesn't it look great?! :) We obviously haven't decorated it yet, but we will soon enough! Once its decorated I'm sure I'll take some more pictures and pictures of the rest of the decorations we have out and about in the house. SOOOO excited its Christmas time! I can't remember being this excited since I was a kid......I'm guessing that might have something to do with the arrival of Miles around the corner :)

On a slightly different note, one of our favorite decorations is to put all of the Holiday cards we get on our mantle for all to see. And today I was realizing that I never sent out a change of address.....Ooops! Soooooo, if you need our address please send me a message on here, my email, facebook, text, etc. We LOVE getting all of the cards and seeing how everyone is doing so I hate to miss out because I screwed up. Also, I won't be sending anything out until Miles makes his debut. I don't have the time, money, or energy to do a Holiday card AND birth announcements so I figured we would just wait until he's here and do a Holiday/New Year/Birth announcement all in one. So don't get mad at us if you don't see a card until after the New Year. And if you haven't been on my list in the past, but want me to send you a card you can message me as well. 

Happy Holidays to All!