Spring is in the air...Finally! It is a beautiful day today, sunny and somewhere around 60 degrees. With this glorious weather I thought I would take Rylan outside to enjoy it. She only lasted about 10-15 minutes before we headed back inside. She was fine when I had her on the brick patio. She crawled around a bit to explore and stood up at my leg while I sat in a chair for a while. When I put her in the grass she seemed interested until something really bugged her and she started crying. I'm not sure if she didn't like the texture or maybe the ground was cold, its still a little cool and wet where as the patio was nice and warm from the sunshine, in any event she didn't like it. I'm sure as we spend more time outside she'll warm up to it and start exploring the yard.

I also got a good video of my chatty girl. She's been a lot more "talkative" lately and its been pretty fun to chat with her :-) I have to enjoy as much of it now as I can before she starts talking back ;-)
One last note, Jake lost another tooth! He lost his top right middle tooth. It had been loose for quite a while and he had been trying to pull it out for about a week. On Wednesday last week while he was eating it loosened up some more and finally fell out. He looks pretty cute with his giant gaping hole in the front.
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