Last weekend the boys got a little silly after their bath. Sometimes when they're good I let them use my hair dryer after bath time and on this night I let them go crazy and make some spikey hair dos. We had a lot of fun and even got a great video - unfortunately Brenden pulled his pants down at the end so I'm not going to post it. Here are a few pictures from all of the fun:
Valentine's day was a couple of days later. We're pretty low key around here, with three kids its nice to take it easy on some of these "holidays". The boys took Transformer valentines to their classes that their Uncle Chris had bought them. They came home from school with lots of valentines from their friends and of course some candy. Chris and I gave the boys a card and a box of chocolates to share. Rylan got a card and some new valentines pajamas. Chris and I exchanged cards and gifts as well and Chris made me a wonderful dinner complete with wine:-) We had a lovely evening and I think Rylan is going to be a wine lover like her mom ;)

And lastly, Rylan is now 6 months old! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. She's doing great, we'll have her 6 month check up and shots on the 28th to she how she's doing in the stat department, I still think she's on the long and skinny side. She's still doing really well with eating "solids". She seems to LOVE broccoli, she chows it every time I give it to her. She's also done with nursing, but we have around 30 6oz frozen pouches of breastmilk so I can continue to give her a bottle a day for about a month more. I am very happy that I was able to nurse all three of my kids, but I am SO happy to be done. I don't know how some women go a full year or even more, my sanity can only take the 6 months :-)
6 months old!
Jake's dimples are so cute!