In the first week of all of this accidental rolling over it was clear that it was happening because something was bugging her. She'd have her butt way up in the air in her sleep and her arms tucked up under her and at her mouth and then she'd get her arm stuck and plop she was on her back. It seemed like it was just gas or something not sitting right in her, but it has become clear that teething seems to be part of it as well.
She has become the drool queen lately. Just today I could see the pool of drool in her mouth and eventually on me. She has been chewing her hands like mad and generally when you give her a pacifier she only wants to chew on it. She'll chew on just about anything you put in front of her. Jake started showing signs of teething at 2 months old so I'm not surprised that its starting with Rylan. We did break out the tylenol last week when you could see she was uncomfortable and within minutes she was a happy little girl again. I'm pretty sure I'll be stocking up on massive amounts of Tylenol and Orajel in the near future.
Some pictures from the pool today of her nonstop finger chewing

Tessa has had her hand(s) jammed in her mouth since birth (literally, I have a picture of it!). So for me it's hard to tell if it's teething since she has done it every day practically since birth. I keep waiting for her to gag herself one of these days she jams it so far down her throat. Hope Rylan learns to roll the other way soon! so you can all get some sleep!