My cutie pie :)
Friday, May 31, 2013
1st REAL Haircut
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
And Summer Begins!
Memorial day weekend was the perfect start to summer for the Eby family this year! The forecast looked as though it would be a Michiganesque weekend with temps in the low to mid sixties, but the weather warmed quicker than expected and we got ourselves a very nice weekend with nothing to do except enjoy some much needed family time. It was so nice to have virtually nothing to do and just enjoy the break, especially since we have 3 weeks of insanity starting, but I'll get to that in a bit.
Monday ended up being about eighty degrees so after I mowed the lawn we pulled out the sprinkler and kicked summer off!
We then gave a new hamburger recipe a try:
I had wanted a new hamburger recipe because all the hamburgers we had made at home were just ok. And so I searched "Juicy Hamburger recipe" and this is what I got. We were very happy with the recipe, they turned out very yummy and even the kids agreed. As a note, I took a few suggestions from the reviews and used bread soaked in milk rather than store bought bread crumbs and evaporated milk. Anyway, we have found a recipe we like and that makes me very happy.
And then we ended the day with Snickers Ice Cream bars! YUMMY!
So summer was kicked off with the weekend and by Tuesday it is in full swing! Jake had Select Soccer tryouts for Cincinnati United on Tuesday and Wednesday night. He has done very well in the SCSA league, but it has been pretty clear that he is a talented player and if he wants to continue to grow those skills he's going to need to do Select soccer. Anyone can tryout and you guaranteed to at least be able to participate in their developmental program if you don't make a team. We also told Jake that this first time at the tryouts is really to see what its all about because its a big financial jump from Rec soccer to Select and we want to make sure its something he really wants. The tryouts went well and Jake isn't sure what he wants so I'm sure I'll have more about this in the next week or so.
Here's a shot of Rylan at the tryouts - She's wearing Miles's 6 month pants because she had an accident and that's all I had for her!
The boys last day of school was today. The school tried something new this year and let the kids and parents know Tuesday who they would have for teachers next year and then on their last day (today) they would get to spend about an hour in their classroom for next year to meet the teacher and see who else was in the class. I personally thought this was a great idea and the kids seemed to really like it too. Brenden found out he would get one more year with Mrs. Yeatts as she will be moving up to 1st grade next year - we were ECSTATIC to hear this news! Mrs. Yeatts has been great for Brenden and he truly seems to like her. Jake will have 2 teachers - Mrs. Fabe and Mrs. Cannon. When we moved here last year Mrs. Cannon was his teacher for the final month of school and Jake seemed to like her a lot. I don't know much about Mrs. Fabe, but I do think 2 teachers will be good for him.
So schools out so its time for some vacations. First, we'll be taking the entire family of 6 to Cleveland this weekend. On Tuesday my mom will come to town to watch the kids - all 4 of them - while Chris and I go to Jamaica for 5 days. Two days after Chris and I get back, I'll leave for Purdue University for a dive meet. And after I get home from that Chris will leave for 3 days for work.
WOW, that's a lot in the next 3 weeks! But I'm excited for all of it, especially my first kid free vacation in about 4 years!
Weekly Weigh In: Weeks 14 & 15
Weeks 14 & 15
Weight: 139.8
Two Week Total: 0.2
Overall Total: 11.6
I'm into the 130's! Barely, but I AM there :) And only one more week until I leave for Jamaica so I'm feeling pretty good. Miles has also has hit a massive growth spurt and my milk production can't keep up so we're weening him to formula. So with no more nursing I'm thinking a big loss will be coming soon as all of this extra liquid leaves my body. I'm still working out 4-5 days a week and enjoying the group classes as well as my own workouts. Basically, things are good and I'm very happy with the way they have gone and are continuing to go - YAY ME! :)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
1st Haircut for Miles
So Miles was born with a FULL head of hair:
As you can see he had a lot of hair - btw, I LOVE his little fro picture :) Anyway, a lot of people told me it would probably fall out the way it did with Jake and Brenden, who were born with hair, but nothing like what Miles had. However, as I suspected, it did not fall out. It has thinned a bit, but he definitely has a full head of hair still and it just keeps getting longer and longer.
For most moms this probably isn't very bothersome, but for me? I miss having a bald baby. So I have been contemplating for a while whether or not to buzz it all off. It is growing crazy, uneven, and really long in some spots so I thought buzzing would give me my bald baby and allow it to start coming in more evenly. Well.........I didn't do it, as much as I wanted to, I didn't. BUT, I did trim things up a bit. Unfortunately, I don't have any good pictures to really demonstrate the ridiculousness of his hair recently, but if you look below at the picture I can try to explain what was going on and what I did.
If you look at his right ear above - so the left side of the picture - you can kind of see how his hair hangs over his ear. Well, if you were to pull all of that hair that tucks behind his ear out over his ear it would cover his ear and go all the way down past his earlobe - Hot, right? And this is how it was on both sides of his head. Just trust me when I tell you he looked ridiculous.
So I trimmed that hair and the hair along his neck line that was getting mullit-ish. As you can kind of see above, the hair now just sort flips out if it comes over his ears and is much shorter. It wasn't much of a haircut, but I can see a big difference. Definitely much less ridiculous looking now.
Now I am still a little bummed that I don't have a bald baby, but when I was about to buzz his hair I realized and accepted the fact that that is just not who Miles is. He's my old man looking baby with a whole bunch of hair :) And as much as I want to buzz his hair, I'll wait a little bit longer until he's ready for a "real" haircut at the barber :)
No More Braces!
After 8 1/2 months, Jake got his braces off yesterday! He had been counting down the days since his last appointment about 3 weeks ago. He had a bit of a rough time with the actual process of having them removed, but once we got home and he had some lunch he was all smiles for the rest of the day. And so am I, his teeth look so much better! Today he got his temporary retainer and he will get a permanent one in about 3 weeks. Now this won't guarantee he won't need braces again in the future once all of his adult teeth are in, but hopefully it will help reduce the need to only his bottom teeth or none at all. Regardless, his teeth are fixed and he's lookin' good :)
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Before braces - the tooth was "stuck" behind his bottom tooth and couldn't move forward |
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Braces On |
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The finished product! So Handsome! |
Weekly Weigh: Week 13
Week 13
Weight: 140.0
Week Total: 2.8
Overall Total: 11.4
Weight: 140.0
Week Total: 2.8
Overall Total: 11.4
Woooooooo Hooooooooooooooo! I have reached the 140 lb mark and surpassed the 10 lb total! Two very big milestones in my mind. Hitting and passing 10 lbs of total loss feels like such a huge step and to be just about 1/2 way to my goal just puts a huge smile on my face. And what makes me even more happy is the progress I'm seeing in my workouts. Today I ran 4 miles in 37:25 on the treadmill. This is the longest run I've done I can't even remember AND I averaged about 9:20 miles which is definitely my personal best. I'm just so happy with the way everything is going and excited to keep at it! :)
Thursday, May 9, 2013
4 Months Old
Just look at that cute guy! I can't believe he's 4 months old, not because of how fast it's going, but for how long April dragged on it seems like we should be farther along! I am happy though that its only 4 months because I can remember trying to soak it up with Brenden and Rylan, but that's all I feel like I remember from the early months, just trying to hold on to the baby days. I hope that once this is all well behind me and the kids are grown that I'll be able to remember the baby days and not just that I tried to remember them.
Any way, Miles is getting big and he's quite the goof. He is a super happy and smiley baby, I can get him laughing just by looking at him :) And he is SUPER chill. He really just goes with the flow and takes it all in. We just got back from a trip to San Diego with just Miles with us and he was AWESOME! No crying on any of the flights, handled the time change like a champ, and even survived staying out with us for a birthday party that went late into the night - he slept in my arms without a peep the whole time. It truly was amazing to us just how he went with it all without any fuss. Finally a chill kid ;)
Miles had his 4 month check up Tuesday and everything looked great. He's 14.7 lbs and 25.25 inches, putting him on the longer side and about average for weight. The doctor had no concerns and told me we could start solids now, but we'll likely wait until closer to 6 months like we did with Jake, Brenden, and Rylan. I will start to give him some formula soon since I don't think my milk supply will survive 5 days away from him next month when we go to Jamaica - have I mentioned how excited about 5 days with no kids? :)
So that's about it, Miles is a rock star and we're loving every minute with him!
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Weekly Weigh In: Weeks 11 & 12
Weeks 11 & 12
Week 11 Weight: 142.2
Week Total: 1.6
Overall Total: 9.2
Week 11 Weight: 142.2
Week Total: 1.6
Overall Total: 9.2
Week 12 Weight: 142.8
Week Total: +0.6
Overall Total: 8.6
So I was obviously pretty happy last week, even though I totally spaced and forgot to post. And this week I'm actually ok with because I spent 4 days in San Diego and didn't workout for 5 days. Even though I'm happy to see the scale moving again, I'm still itching to get it moving even more since I'm one month out from Jamaica. I do have a full month, but I did try on a bathing suit last week and it seems like I need more like 4 months to pull it off. So I guess I'll have to keep going strong and hope for the best!
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