About a month ago when we moved Jake brought home an assignment to do a report and project on Alligators. We of course waited until the last minute to get it done. The week before it was due we helped Jake gather facts about Alligators on the internet and out of a book his Grandman gave him, but we waited until the day before it was due to put it all together. And I have to say, Jake did a very nice job. We looked through pictures and picked ones out to print. He then cut them out, pasted them on poster board, and wrote down facts under the pictures. And for his report he put the facts he found into sentences in a 4 page report. Not too bad for a seven year old, and he even got a check plus for both the poster board and the report :)

Before we moved here I looked online to see if I could find anything to sign the boys up for so that they would have something to do and another way for them to make friends. During my search I came across a Soccer League through the local YMCA that looked perfect. It was for one night a week of practice for an hour and games on Saturday. The coordinator was nice enough to help me get signed up by faxes and emails since we wouldn't be moved before the sign up deadline. The league began this week and so far was a huge success. Brenden is on a team of 5 & 6 six year old boys and girls and practice for one hour on Wednesdays at 6pm. And Jake is on a team of 7 & 8 year old boys and girls that practice right after Brenden. Chris was out of town for this week so Rylan, the boys, and I headed up just before 6pm and stayed until the end at 8pm. All the kids did great, the boys played with other kids when it wasn't their practice and Rylan played the whole time. It seems like it will be a very good league for the boys. They have one more practice before games start, but they are both excited for next week.

And last for me, Swim lessons. I have been having a terrible time trying to find a dive coach job since I've been here. I've had a lot of leads, but nothing has been able workout. I thought I might have a chance at the University of Cincinnati job, but it turns out it wouldn't pay enough to make up for any childcare expenses I would have. So instead of completely giving up I took the suggestion from my neighbor and applied to be a Swim Lesson Instructor at the
Mercy HealthPLEX.. It is quite an impressive place, it seems to be a Rec center, spa, and doctors office all rolled into one. They offer lots of different stuff and have daycare for kids when you're at the center. I had an hour long interview today and at the end I was offered the job and told she would also list me a supervisor material if I wanted to do that in the future when the kids were older. If I work 10 hr/wk I will get a membership for myself that may include being able to drop off Brenden and Rylan while I teach lessons - Bonus! And its only about 2 miles away from my house - Double Bonus! And since I have coaching experience I might be able to help their swim team as well - Triple Bonus! I know I haven't been a swimmer for 20 years and I haven't coached swimming in 15 years, but I love coaching and I'm good at it so if all I can do now is teach swim lessons and maybe coach a swim team I'll take it!