This year we would host our first Thanksgiving. Since being married we have either done Thanksgiving at Chris's parents or at my mom's house. Not this year, with our crazy life we decided we really didn't want to go anywhere so we invited Chris's family - Pete, Ginger, Meredith, Todd, and Dylan.
Now I've made a Turkey before, but only once, so I had been chatting/emailing with my mom for a few weeks to make sure that I would have everything I needed and for all of her helpful hints to make sure the Turkey and fixings turned out just right. And I have to say, between the two of us I cooked one heck of a good meal - Thanks again mom! Ginger and Meredith also brought lots of goodies to add to the feast and all credit goes to Ginger for the gravy - I'm not a gravy person at all and figured I'd just screw it up. It was a wonderful meal created by a wonderful family from near and far :)
Everyone arrived in the afternoon a couple of hours before dinner time so the kids had lots of time to play and the adults had lots of time to catch up. The boys - Jake, Brenden, and Dylan - had lots of fun playing and it looks like they'll be creating all sorts of mischief for years to come. Even though Rylan is the only girl - for now, hopefully Meredith will be changing this - she was happy to be chasing the boys and had fun "reading" books with Dylan. It was a lot of fun to watch all of the kids together since it's not often they're all together.
Peter, Ginger, Meredith, Todd, and Dylan stayed the night at a nearby hotel and we all met for breakfast the next morning. It was a short, but very nice visit. Since we're moving and have a lot going on next year it'll probably be at least a couple of years before we host again, but I look forward to it! Hope everyone else had a happy and safe thanksgiving!