Friday, August 26, 2011

A day on the lake

Sunday the kids and I went out on Whitmore Lake with my Aunt and Uncle. It was the first time Rylan had been on a boat and the first time for all of us on my Aunt and Uncle's new boat. The boat was awesome and we all had a great time.

When we got to the lake it was lightly sprinkling, but you could see nothing but sun in the distance. It quickly cleared up and we all headed out. Jake was probably the most excited. Brenden was excited, but quickly became apprehensive when he saw my Aunt's dog on board. Brenden refused to get off any of the seats and walk around for nearly all of the excursion. Despite his fear of dogs, he did have a very good time. Rylan had no idea what she was getting into, but quickly found that she loved it. She cruised around the entire boat and even went swimming with my Aunt. All 3 kids got a turn driving the boat, well Rylan only got to sit at the steering wheel while the boat was anchored at the sand bar. It really was a lovely day, the only thing that could have made it better would have been to have Chris there. I guess we'll just have to go out again sometime!

Rylan turns 1!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl! It's official, she's one and no more babies at the Eby house :( I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by and with the upcoming move to Cincinnati, I'm sure the next year is going to fly by just as quickly. I am a little sad to be done with babies, but luckily so many of my friends are starting to have kids that I can get a baby fix from time to time.

We had a very quiet day for the birthday girl. Chris had to leave for work very early so we weren't able to do much until he came home for a short break. Rylan and I did Skype with my mom so she could say happy birthday and watch Rylan open the presents she had gotten her. And much of the rest of the day was spent playing as usual.

When Chris came home we opened presents, sang happy birthday, and ate cupcakes. I decided to save making a cake for Saturday when we planned to have some friends and their kids over. Rylan LOVED the cupcake! She ate almost the entire thing - it was about the size of her head - and got chocolate everywhere. It was a lot of fun. She wasn't very interested in her gifts, but did like her cards and the bows from the packages. I did get a little freaked out when my dad gave her a tea set and baby doll - girl toys! Ahhhh! What do I do with girl toys?! Anyway, Rylan was back to playing with her brothers cars and legos by the next day, so hopefully I won't have to worry about girl toys for awhile - or ever ;)

All in all, it was a very nice day. We also had a great time on Saturday with a few friends stopping by to wish Rylan Happy Birthday and so I could get my baby fix :)

Rylan also had her 12 month check up and we're pleased to report one happy and healthy girl! For those interested, here are her stats: Weight - 19.64 lbs (25%) Height - 30.51 inches (89%) and Head - 18.5 inches (93%) She's almost the exact same as Brenden was in the percentages at one, so it looks like another long and skinny kid!

And some pictures of the Birthday girl!
CAKE!!!!! - actually, cupcake


Girl toys - Ahhhh! ;)

Showing off her Birthday dress

Her party dress for Saturday with friends

The Cake!

And of course, Singing Happy Birthday and Blowing out the candle

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What a long strange summer its been... (cont'd)

I was having trouble uploading pictures earlier so here are some more from over the summer:

My little girl the day before her 1st birthday


Sibling fun

Sibling Love

Getting into trouble :)

Out to Breakfast with the family


Sunday, August 14, 2011

What a long strange summer its been...

So I know its been forever since I've posted anything on here, but really there has barely been time to breathe! Since my last post in June a lot has happened. We had 4th of July, I worked 12 hour days hosting our Zone diving meet, my grandfather (pupa) passed away, my mom and brother came to stay with us for 10 days, I quit my job, and I spent 10 days away from my family in order to coach at the JO National Diving Championships...and that's just the major stuff I can remember!

I don't even know how to get into all of it, my head just starts spinning trying to think of everything! Well I guess I'll just give the updates then. Chris has been very busy working and being the most wonderful husband ever. Not only has he been traveling and working for his job, but he has been playing the role of Mom and Dad for the kids. I had 3 dives meets this summer that caused me to be away from home for a total of 18 days this summer. Also, most of my practices are in the evening so he is in charge of dinner and bedtime. I love coaching, but I really love that Chris is willing to make sacrifices so that I can do what I love. Its not easy taking care of the kids and trying to get work done, but he has done it and without complaining - well, not much complaining :) Although, from the looks of his schedule this fall, it looks like he'll get some payback with all of the traveling he has to do.

Since my last post in June, Rylan became a walker at about 10 months, completely gave up baby food, and is ready to take on the world...or at least her brothers. She is quite the busy gal. She still loves playing at the pool and has done great with going under water and being very independent. Now that she's walking she spends most of her time getting into the kitchen cupboards and chasing her brothers.

Jake and Brenden are about the same. They are both very active and growing up so fast. They are both getting ready for a new transition with school this fall. Brenden will move to DK (Developmental Kindergarten) at Morningstar and Jake will be entering 1st grade at Bates Elementary. Both boys will be moving into "new" schools. Brenden will move from the preschool house to the DK classroom which is in a different building. And Jake is moving from Cornerstone to Bates in order to help even out class sizes at the 2 elementary schools. We actually volunteered Jake for the move because he has never had a problem adjusting to new situations and we figured this would be good practice for when we move to Cincinnati.

Speaking of Cincinnati, I have no idea when this will ever happen! I have set early next summer as my personal date that we need to be moved there at the latest. With Chris's job the way it is, he's going to have to travel between Michigan and Cincinnati for a while still, but I would like to be moved by next summer so we have some time to get settled and adjust before school starts in August. Brenden will also be starting Kindergarten next year and I have insisted that we move before that happens. So we are going to continue to leave the house on the market until November and if no one makes an offer by then we'll take it off the market until January when we'll re-list it with a price reduction.

Now for me, as I have said I have been very busy coaching this summer. I was fortunate enough be able to travel to all of the meets, including 10 long days for Nationals. At Nationals we had 8 out of 10 divers make Finals on at least one board and one of our divers, Taylor Ford, was National Champion. It was the coolest thing I have ever been a part of in my diving career, as a diver or coach. It was so thrilling and exciting. I was so grateful to Taylor and Buck for letting me be a part of it. With out plans for the next year up in the air, I don't know if I will be able to go to these meets next summer so I'm glad I got to have such a great experience with all of the divers.

At the beginning of the summer I mentioned my new boss at the club and had said I didn't know if I would be able to make it all summer. Well, I didn't. My clueless boss began putting me and my staff in situations that I felt were unsafe and when he continued to push me and treat me with complete disrespect I quit. It has been hard on the boys to have a place to go to swim everyday and now we have to do some serious budgeting, but since quitting there has been a huge weight lifted.

And that's about it I guess. It really has been a wild ride full of ups and downs and it looks like the fall is going to be the same! Hopefully this short break until school starts will be enough to get me ready....

A Chronicle of Summer in Pictures:
4th of July Fun

My Grandfather's funeral

Rylan growing up and moving all about

Dexter Daze Face Painting
Jake is the Flaming Skull and Brenden is the Flash