On Saturday, Chris took the boys to Jenny's Market in Dexter while I took a nap with Rylan. At Jenny's they got to play in the haystacks and the boys picked out pumpkins. On the way home they also stopped for cider and doughnuts at the Dexter Cider Mill.
And finally for today, Halloween. The boys and Rylan spent the day with Chris while I slept in and then went to go coach. They watched movies and carved pumpkins, well Chris carved the pumpkins. The boys both wanted to carve the pumpkins themselves, but since we didn't have a kids carving knife we settled on having them draw how they wanted the pumpkins carved and Chris did the carving. They decided on Alien Vampire Family :-)
After we finished the pumpkins it was time to get dressed for Trick-or-Treating. Jake decided to be a ninja, Brenden was Optimus Prime, and I don't dress up infants so Rylan just wore halloween pajamas. You'll notice in the pictures below that Brenden has his Optimus Prime suit on, but no mask. He was very insistent that he did not want to wear the mask today, we came to find out later that it was bothering a bump/cut he got on his forehead earlier in the day. Papa (my dad) came over while the boys were getting ready and we also Skyped Mana (my mom). Once we got lots of pictures taken - the boys were actually very cooperative so I took advantage - Chris and the boys set out in our neighborhood for trick-or-treating while Rylan and I stayed home to hand out candy.

Rylan and I had a lot of fun handing out candy. I would say we got around 50 kids total. We saw lots of different costumes and kids from age one to high school. We also had lots of kids that I know from AACC stop by which is always fun. While we were home, Rylan and I had some good talking time and and I managed to get some of it on film:
Rylan and I had a lot of fun handing out candy. I would say we got around 50 kids total. We saw lots of different costumes and kids from age one to high school. We also had lots of kids that I know from AACC stop by which is always fun. While we were home, Rylan and I had some good talking time and and I managed to get some of it on film:
We also took some good pictures with smiles on Rylan's face
When Chris and the boys returned they went through all of their candy and got to pick one piece to eat - they chose skittles. Even though it was time to get ready for bed Chris and the boys decided to go to the neighbors to burn off some of that sugar before bed. Our neighbors had a bonfire going in their front yard and all the kids were running and playing around. And I'm guessing they did plenty to burn off their sugar high because they are both sleeping quietly now. Another successful Halloween for the Eby family!