I know its been a few weeks since my last post, but we've been pretty busy here in the Eby house. Since my last post Jake has finished Safety Town and both boys finished the first session of swim lessons. Safety Town remained a hit with Jake and he's still talking about it 2 weeks later, he's even telling me our address and phone number so that he doesn't forget. They had a simple graduation where all the children sang the safety songs they had learned and got certificates of completion.
Swim lessons concluded great for Jake. The next level of classes was full, but the teacher managed to get the Community Ed Dept to add another class for Jake and another girl in his class. The next session started Monday and once again Jake is doing great. They've added backstroke to their list of skills and Jake can now make it across the width of the pool on his stomach and back. The teacher has already started the next group of skills with the class and encouraged us to sign him up for the third session since he's doing so good. Unfortunately, we're going to be in Arizona for the first week of the third session, but the instructor said to keep working on his skills and when he gets back we might still be able to get him in the the second week of the third session and be able to get it prorated.
Brenden didn't make quite as much progress with the swim lessons as we would have hoped, but I do think it was a good experience for him. He has still been reluctant to "swim" when we do go to the pool. He still wants to go, but tells me that he only wants to walk in the pool and not swim. There have been a few times where he gets a bit more daring and will inch along the wall to get to the deeper water. He still doesn't want to get his head wet, but is doing lots of practicing in the bath :-)
I've been quite busy with WISC diving at AACC and JO Diving with
Legacy. We have had three dual meets so far for AACC and our fourth is tomorrow. The kids have been doing well and learning lots of new dives. I've been fortunate this summer to have one of my former high school divers, Caitlin Noonan, as my assistant coach. She has been great with the kids and allowed me to have some days off during this hot summer we've been having, its hard for me to be outside for 3 hours in 90 degree heat when I'm 7-8 months pregnant. She is also going to take over for me next week to cover our final dual meet next friday and championships the following week. I will be missing the last meet and championships to travel to Arizona with the
Legacy divers for
JO and Age Group Nationals.
June 30-July 3 the Legacy diving team traveled to Pittsburgh, PA to compete at zones in order to qualify for JO and Age Group Nationals. I had gone to Regionals with the team, but was unable to go to zones because of other work commitments at AACC. The team did great and qualified 15 divers! I was really sad I couldn't be there, but was able to get lots of updates from the parents, divers, and coach. I will be traveling with the team to Nationals, and I'm very excited! Nationals are being held at the University of Arizona in Tucson, where I went to school and where my mom lives now. The boys will be coming with me to spend some time with my mom so it will be like a little vacation as well. The boys are excited to spend some time out in Arizona and are looking forward to playing lots in Mana's pool! I'm excited to return to Tucson to see some old friends and really excited to experience my first summer nationals as a coach. However, I am a little nervous and wondering how I'm going to survive the heat while 34 weeks pregnant, I might be getting in the pool with the divers too!
And last for a Rylan update. I had my 32 week check up and everything looked good. I managed to gain four pounds this past month after not gaining any weight the month before. So far I have gained 17 lbs total, about half of what I had gained by this point with Jake and 10 lbs less than with Brenden. Apparently I have no trouble gaining weight in the winter months, but finding it a bit more difficult in the busy, hot summer. Everything measured right on track, 32cm
fundal height, heart beat was strong and steady, and my weight gain was fine. She has also been head down now for over a month so will likely stay that way until delivery. The doctor wants see me in two weeks, but I'll still be Arizona so it'll have to be three weeks until my next appointment. I also made the rest of my appointments up to and past my due date, it really is getting close now. The doctor thinks there is a very good chance that I will go early again, but of course can't tell for sure or exactly when that would be. I'm definitely hoping for a little early again with how uncomfortable I've been, but really I'm just hoping to make it through the trip to Arizona, which the doctor didn't have any concerns about. Below are a few pictures of my growing belly.